2011 2011 2011 2011 2011
Swiss Veteran-Clubwinner (CH. Kama)
International show Champion (CH. Xanthana)
Austrian Clubwinner (Honneur)
Austrian Bundessieger (Honneur)
International show Champion (CH. Ezza)
Luxemburg Champion (CH. Ezza)
Austrian Clubwinner (CH. Ezza)
Best in Show AHHC-Clubwinnershow (CH. Ezza)
Austrian Bundessieger (CH. Ezza)
Lithuanian Junior Champion (Bliva)
Latvia Junior Champion (Bliva)
Estonian Junior Champion (Bliva)
Baltic Junior Champion (Bliva)
Young winner and Best of Breed int. show Tallin 12.02.2011 (Bliva)
Young winner and Best of Breed int. show Tallin 05.03.2011 (Bliva)
Young winner and Best of Breed int. show Tallin 06.03.2011 (Bliva)
Young winner and Best of Breed int. show Riga (Bliva)
Young winner and Best of Breed int. show Vilnius (Bliva)
Young winner and Best of Breed int. show Lahti (Belisama)
Best of Breed int. show Hamina (CH. Sirocco)
Veteran-Winner nat. show Pfungstadt (CH. Kama)
Veteran-Winner nat. show Fräschels (CH. Kama)
Best of Breed int. show Toulouse (CH. Ezza)
Best of Breed int. show Innsbruck 13.8.2011 (CH. Ezza)
Best of Breed + 2nd in FCI-group 1 - int. show Innsbruck 14.8.2011 (CH. Ezza)
Best of Breed AHHC-Clubwinnershow Tulln (CH. Ezza)
Best of Breed int. show Tulln (CH. Ezza)
Best of Breed int. show Verona (Z'Quani)